So this weekend has been an eventful one for me!
Get self ready for move to St George ...check
Start packing .....check
Get ready for Mom and Cortni to come...check
Round up loose ducks in the back yard,
Pick up loose ducks in back yard and throw loose ducks in back yard over the fence so they can be closer to the pond in back yard...check
I think I finally know how Elmer Fudd feels as he is going out to hunt Daffy Duck...
I was sitting in the basement and I was getting ready to dye my cousins hair a little darker after she had a nasty run in with some bleach...(but that is another story)
We were down stairs and my "udder" cousin and his almost 2year old are in the back playing at the edge of the fence. Cute enough but not enough to get me outside until I hear everyone coming down stairs to go out. So I pop my head out to see what all the commotion is for.
We were down stairs and my "udder" cousin and his almost 2year old are in the back playing at the edge of the fence. Cute enough but not enough to get me outside until I hear everyone coming down stairs to go out. So I pop my head out to see what all the commotion is for.
Andy and Zachy out chasing a whole lot of ducks!
I am thinking awwweeee cute until it dawns on me that there are like 8 ducks in the back yard.
Andy is trying to wrangle them into a corner so we can get them over the fence and I am just laughing.
We finally decided it would be better to try together to get them through the hole in the fence and back to their pond home on the other side. So we get them to this crack in the fence but there is mesh on the other side and those ducks are having none of it.
After couple of tense poultry moments and several orange duck recipes running through my head we both realized this was never gonna happen and so I start to run right at these ducks, trying to get them over to Andy and he just out of no where pounces.
My initial reaction was oh no dead duck!! But sure enough with one swift swoop Andy had caught that bird by the neck and flung him over the fence.
I do have to say that after that it was much easier to get the little birdies and get them safely home. We had a real system...but still I was amazed at my cousins mad duck skills. I would have never guessed a man could be so quick it was kinda like watching Mr Miyagi with those magic chopsticks and the fly. Only he didn't have chopsticks and it was a duck.
He will from now on be the Duck whisperer' to me.
....... There is a part two to this story.
The next day I was in the basement again and my Auntie Lorna was down there too she knocked on my door to ask if I could help her with something.
She took me into the other bedroom in the basement and asked me if I could see what was in her window.
....You know those windows in the basements that are there if there is ever a fire so you can crawl out and if you are as short as I am wait 40 more seconds before you are burned alive cause you still cant reach high enough to pull yourself to safety....
As I looked out the window what do you think I found? TWO MORE DUCKS!!
And you would think that it would be easier to capture those ducks when they really couldn't go anywhere huh? Sad to say without the duck whisperer' I had not really the skills.
It took me forever to run those ducks down, round and round we went in this tiny window "hole".
Finally I got a towel and captured those stupid ducks, and sent them back over the fence where they belonged.